Jozsef Varga, Developer in Budapest, Hungary
Jozsef is available for hire
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Jozsef Varga

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Front-end Developer

Budapest, Hungary
Toptal Member Since
October 14, 2022

Jozsef is an experienced and passionate engineer specializing in TypeScript and JavaScript. His primary focus is building front-end applications, preferably in React, but he is also skilled at implementing back-end applications in Node.js and designing relational or NoSQL databases. With such a broad range of skills, Jozsef is a full-stack developer with more interest in the client side, ready to assume diverse challenges.


JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, React Redux, Redux-Saga, Highcharts...
SICOM Systems
JavaScript, JavaScript Testing, Ext JS, Unit Testing, E2E Testing...
Avon Products
JavaScript, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Lodash, Moment.js, Sass, Bower, Grunt, Gulp...




Preferred Environment

Linux, Windows, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), GitHub, Next.js

The most amazing...

...tool I've developed is a browser-based photobook editor built upon the Canvas API, capable of manipulating images in multiple ways.

Work Experience

Senior Front-end Developer

2019 - 2022
  • Developed modern React functional and reusable components as generic table components.
  • Implemented proper and reusable states with Redux and React built-in mechanisms.
  • Worked in various agile teams of 5–6 people with front-end and back-end developers, product managers, UX designers, and QA testers.
  • Built and configured various types of charts to visualize data.
  • Enhanced data calculation algorithms, doubling the speed and reducing the time taken for calculations.
  • Implemented a mock service in Node.js, providing fake data for the client application.
  • Added a microservice that handled notification requests to be processed and forwarded to Slack and Microsoft Teams.
  • Transitioned legacy parts of the applications into modern, reusable components.
  • Collaborated closely with UI/UX designers and other departments.
Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, React Redux, Redux-Saga, Highcharts, Lodash, Remeda, Design Systems, Node.js, NPM, NestJS, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Jest, Cypress, Storybook, Lerna, Webpack, ESLint, Monorepos, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, E2E Testing, CSS, Responsive UI, Single-page Applications (SPA), APIs, Full-stack, REST APIs, Data Visualization, Web Applications, Agile, HTML, Front-end, Sass, HTML5, Data Engineering, Git, Tailwind CSS, REST, Puppeteer, ECMAScript (ES6), GitHub, Application State Management, Material UI, Reusable Libraries, Test-driven Development (TDD)

Senior Front-end Developer

2017 - 2019
SICOM Systems
  • Implemented Ext JS components for restaurant management and back office applications.
  • Collaborated closely with back-end engineers to deliver a suitable API contract.
  • Added multiple unit, end-to-end (E2E), and automated tests for Ext JS applications.
  • Managed the upgrade from Ext JS 5 to Ext JS 6, which required refactoring the components.
Technologies: JavaScript, JavaScript Testing, Ext JS, Unit Testing, E2E Testing, Automated Testing, CSS, Responsive UI, Single-page Applications (SPA), APIs, Full-stack, REST APIs, Web Applications, Agile, HTML, Front-end, Sass, HTML5, Data Engineering, Git, REST, ECMAScript (ES6), Application State Management, Reusable Libraries, Test-driven Development (TDD)

Senior Front-end Developer

2015 - 2017
Avon Products
  • Implemented features in AngularJS for an Avon representatives application.
  • Collaborated with back-end engineers on API design.
  • Worked in various agile teams of 5–6 people with front-end and back-end developers, product managers, UX designers, and QA testers.
  • Enhanced the internal Grunt build tool to speed up multiple processes.
  • Mentored junior colleagues and helped them solve the onboarding challenges.
Technologies: JavaScript, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Lodash, Moment.js, Sass, Bower, Grunt, Gulp, Protractor, Karma, CSS, Responsive UI, Single-page Applications (SPA), APIs, Full-stack, REST APIs, Web Applications, Agile, HTML, Front-end, HTML5, Data Engineering, Git, REST, ECMAScript (ES6), Application State Management, Reusable Libraries, Test-driven Development (TDD)

Front-end Developer

2014 - 2015
Morgan Stanley
  • Added unit, automated, and E2E tests to the application.
  • Implemented features in Ext JS, from the Ext JS 4 to Ext JS 6 version.
  • Participated in the development of a common client framework.
  • Collaborated closely with back-end engineers and other departments.
Technologies: JavaScript, Ext JS, Node.js, Grunt, Unit Testing, E2E Testing, Automated Testing, Sencha Cmd, Sencha UI, Sencha Touch, CSS, Single-page Applications (SPA), APIs, REST APIs, Web Applications, Agile, HTML, Front-end, Sass, HTML5, Git, REST, Application State Management, Reusable Libraries

Front-end Developer

2013 - 2014
EPAM Systems
  • Implemented features in Ext JS in a secure environment.
  • Fixed various bugs in the front-end part of the system.
  • Worked in an agile team of six people with front-end and back-end developers and QA testers.
Technologies: JavaScript, Ext JS, CSS, Single-page Applications (SPA), APIs, REST APIs, Web Applications, HTML, Front-end, HTML5, Git, REST, Application State Management, Reusable Libraries

Front-end Developer

2012 - 2013
MadTatu LLC
  • Developed a Canvas-based photobook editor with jQuery and native JavaScript.
  • Collaborated closely with the design team to be able to parse photobook templates.
  • Worked with different browser APIs and cross-browser functionalities.
Technologies: JavaScript, Canvas, jQuery, jQuery UI, SVG, CSS, Single-page Applications (SPA), APIs, SQL, Full-stack, REST APIs, Web Applications, HTML, Front-end, Sass, HTML5, Git, LAMP, REST, Application State Management, Reusable Libraries

Adverity is an integrated data platform enabling marketing, sales, and eCommerce teams to make better decisions and improve performance. I took part in the development of their two major products as a senior front-end developer.

Dice Wars

This project was my university thesis project. It is a multiplayer browser-based game built entirely on the Canvas API, where players are scattered around a hexagon-tiled map to occupy the most tiles by rolling dice in a turn-based style. The communication between players was achieved using the WebSocket API connected to a Node.js-based server.

Web-based Photo Book Editor

A Canvas API-based web application for creating photobooks easily with multiple templates, image editing capabilities, and much more. I led the project alone as a front-end developer and used mainly plain JavaScript.


JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, CSS, HTML, ECMAScript (ES6), SQL, Sass


React, Node.js, REST APIs, React Redux, Highcharts, Redux-Saga, Lodash, Moment.js, jQuery, jQuery UI, Socket.IO, Puppeteer


NPM, Git, GitHub, Lerna, Webpack, JavaScript Testing, Bower, Grunt, Gulp, Karma, Sencha Cmd, Sencha UI, Canvas


Unit Testing, E2E Testing, Agile, REST, Automated Testing, Scrum, Test-driven Development (TDD)


Single-page Applications (SPA), APIs, Full-stack, Web Applications, Front-end, Application State Management, Data Visualization, Responsive UI, Data Engineering, Reusable Libraries, Software Architecture, Web Development, Software Engineering, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), Algorithms, Mathematics, Design Systems, Storybook, ESLint, Monorepos, Integration Testing, SVG, WebSockets, Remeda


Redux, Jest, Cypress, NestJS, Ext JS, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Protractor, Sencha Touch, Express.js, Tailwind CSS, Material UI, Next.js


Linux, Windows, LAMP


Relational Databases, MongoDB, PostgreSQL

2004 - 2009

Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineer and Mathematics

Eötvös Loránd University - Budapest, Hungary

1999 - 2004

Technical Diploma in Computer Engineering

János Bolyai Technical School - Budapest, Hungary

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